Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Difficulties When Hiring Employees

    Difficulties When Hiring Employees

    Hiring employees can be an incredibly difficult process for employers. Finding good employees is one of the most essential aspects of running a business, and it can often take a very long period of time before you finally find those employees you have been looking for. Employers are often faced with the dilemma of whether…

  • Use Google Trends To Reach Your Customers

    If there’s one thing we like to remind small business owners about their copy, it’s that it’s not about them. Ever. In order to attract, connect, and convert, the words in all of your marketing materials must speak to your target audience. Understanding the way your ideal customer thinks, feels, and acts is the key…

  • Scaling Up Your Business

    Perhaps you have been in business for some time and you have decided that it is time for your business to grow.   This is a very exciting time and you have a lot of homework to do before you make your move. How will scaling up your business affect your bottom line? Economies of scale…

  • Realigning Your Business Strategy: A Real-Time Case Study

    Small organizations can undergo drastic shifts when employees come and go. In a small team, each person’s role is integral to the business’s function. Everyone works on tasks that aren’t in the job description. So when an employee leaves the company, things really change. But an employee exit doesn’t have to be a negative thing.…

  • Entrepreneur, How Does Your Business Grow?

    Did you go into business to be  your own boss? Did you dream of breaking the limit on the cash you could earn in the 9 to 5 world? Did you see an opportunity you had to take, filling a gap in the market? A burning passion you just had to explore? Your definition of…

  • Business Expansion: Grow Better, Not Larger

    Expanding? What’s wrong with the business you’ve already got? Entrepreneurs are bold- they are brave enough to start businesses in uncertain times, they throw convention out the window, quit perfectly good “jobs” and define themselves by the way they are changing the world through their products and services. Sometimes, though, entrepreneurs bite off more than they can…

  • Build A Blog That Rocks Their Socks Off

    If you want to create a blog that attracts a growing audience, builds a relationship with your readers — and provides *you* with enough enjoyment to maintain it over the long term — you’ll need to start with a focused plan for success. Consider Your Blog Parameters: What’s Your Focus? With millions of blogs in…

  • Business or Hobby-Is your start up idea worth pursuing?

    One of the many reasons that people decide to start small businesses is that they are passionate about something. Following your dream and opening a business can be very rewarding, but not every passion is a profitable business. How can you tell if your entrepreneur idea can be taken to the next level? If you…

  • To Plan Well, Plan to Fail

    Too often, entrepreneurs leave risk analysis out of their business plans. But a really strong plan takes the good with the bad, and recognizes that the projected business model will probably not play out as described. There are too many unknowns – too many external factors that could undermine your assumptions. A thorough (and realistic)…

  • Marketing Tips For Startups: Advertising On Craigslist

    New startups with small advertising budgets can find great success attracting new clients by posting their products and services on craigslist. In addition to being free, advertising on craigslist allows you to reach a very large audience — an estimated 60,000,000 visitors each month in the US alone. Read on for tips on how to…

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